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而波旬则是当仁不让的排在第一位。我的极品是前任3Before you beg Me to bl4ac4km4ail you, imagine: I will make you dress like a whore, make you get on all fours and fuck that slutty ass for Me, and all this you will do on camera so I will make a lot of nasty videos. I will make you look into your webcam and tell the world your full name, phone number, all the info which I can exp4o4s4e you, and ruin your life. But you should know that bla4c4k4mail is not a game with Me, I take it seriously. After that, if you want me to keep these photos and videos, I'm going to lock your cock in chastity for Me as long as I want. And when this cock will be locked, you will feel a strong urge to do whatever I say. And there is only one way to unlock: you are going to suck real dick for Me. I know you are a whore and I want your ass and mouth to be used like the whore you are. I'm going to turn you into a cock sucking whore. I will also take pictures where your holes are fucked by real dicks! So now I can completely ruin your life! You are in big danger给力文学网陈望财大气粗,也不缺这点灵石,方才砍价也不过是习惯使然而已。